krisp app that removes background noise

krisp app that removes background noise

You are a worker that often have online meetings, a freelancer that performs tasks with audio recording, a student using online courses, or simply a person who loves to speak with their families for long periods of time? If so, don’t ignore this article, and let met show you a wonderful software that will make your audio-related activities a lot easier starting from today!

A software? What’s the name !?

krisp app that removes background noise

Does the name “Krisp” rings any bell? Well, here are some of important information that you surely didn’t know when you first encounter this name. And for those who never come across ads about this software, don’t worry ! I will explain all the details, trying not to make it boring for you of course. 
Krisp is a software that removes your background noise in the middle of your online meetings, using the A.I supplies and methods. It aims to clear participants’ voices for a better conference/course experience. This objective is done by muting the surrounding sounds, especially annoying ones, and making yours the only 

It aims to clear participants’ voices for a better conference/course experience. This objective is done by muting the surrounding sounds, especially annoying ones as barking of dogs, room echo, crying child…

How does it really work?

We won’t speak about programming details or complicated algorithms in this fragment of the article, but you do want to have a more clear look into the methods used by this unique software to provide us such interesting service, right? Well, in first place, the program asks you to record your own voice, then it will register information about that (N.B: not the content of what you said ! but the vibration of your voice and such details that will be used to distinguish your voice from others’. See more about this in “Privacy, respected or..?”). As simple as it is, the mystery of how this software works is solved ! Moving to the next !

Say goodbye to spending money on expensive mics and headphones!

                         krisp app that removes background noise 
 Tired of testing a bunch of earphones/microphones/headphones/air buds hoping to find the one that will decrease the background sounds? Almost broke your keyboard once because of all the people in your room when you were playing a game with your friends? Ugh! There, there, just use your normal or favorite mics and headphones from now on with Krisp. Oh yeah, you’re not dreaming, Krisp is compatible with absolutely every kind of those ( I tested it myself !). 

I use an underrated software for talking/meeting online, I don’t think Krisp will recognize it..

krisp app that removes background noise 
 Well, let me prove you wrong ! Krisp does work with over 800 meetings software (in details: apps to talk, study, make conferences etc online), so I’m more than sure that it will recognize the software you are using. Also, I have to mention that Krisp is easy to use, the proof is that over 100M of advices are using it, insane ! 

Privacy, respected or..?

Being afraid of your info divulgation when using the internet and all kind of apps and programs is just normal, as we dislike that random people listen to our conversations in the balcony, it’s the same when disliking the commercial use of our recordings and such without our permission. Rest assured, the software I’m presenting in this article is well aware of your worries, and that’s why it respect your private life online when using it. Your voice is not being shared with companies or people for any other purposes, once you end a meeting your data is automatically vanished. Not convinced yet? What if I tell you that Krisp is trusted by professionals, and recommended by GitLab, Intel, Hubspot, Zapier and InVision? The Krisp Technologies, Inc has made this software to be secure for business and normal daily use.  So what are you waiting for!? Never tell your freinds or co-workers to “ignore this sound please” ever again and go download Krisp!  

But, is it free? Expensive? Can “I” really use it?

krisp app that removes background noise 
 Well, as you could have guessed, an amazing software as this one needs some financial help to provide more important options in the future right? Oh no, don’t be upset, let me explain, IT IS really free, you can have 224 minutes per week. I mean, every single week you can have 224 minutes to use this software for free ! But trust me, if you add just 5 more bucks monthly, you will have access to unlimited period of using its services, isn’t it amazing !? and I highly recommend that you choose the “team plan”, with four of other people, you can pay 5 dollars per month for each person to get access to more interesting options. Also, you can upgrade your plan by just your Paypal info, no need to use your Card info !

Hum.. no inconvenient at all? 

If you want to say by that the fact that it may slow your PC or consume a considerable part of your RAM, it’s a no, Krisp does not affect your Desktop performances. But, I did mention “desktop” right.. That’s because you can’t use Krisp in your smartphone, truly sad.. :(  That’s the only thing that I “dislike” about this software, but that’s all ! Hope in the future we will have an app for phone users, and until then, go download it for your laptop and stop your mic from being a parrot !

That’s the end of this article, I hope you enjoyed it and/or it helped you. See you in a next one, about another interesting app or software and have a wonderful day/night !!


krisp app that removes background noise

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